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Developers of offshore wind in New York said Wednesday that decades-high inflation and interest rates mean deals negotiated years ago aren't viable anymore.
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s bid to remove the state from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative passed its final regulatory hurdle on Wednesday.
MISO announced that it will likely be forced to renew the system support resource agreement of a Missouri coal plant for almost two more years.
Legislators ended the session by passing bills related to IRPs for electric and gas utilities and a bill creating a zero-emission truck incentive program.
SouthCoast Wind Energy has asked to end offshore wind power purchase agreements with Massachusetts electric distribution companies, citing rising costs.
FERC OK'd settlement judge procedures to resolve complaints that generators filed against PJM’s assessment of penalties for underperformance in December 2022.
Mammal experts told a New Jersey legislative committee they've found no evidence recent whale deaths are related to offshore wind project testing.
The city of Berkeley asked the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for an en banc rehearing of a decision to overturn its nation-leading ban on natural gas hookups.
Debt deal limits page counts and time on environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act, but other work remains, and frustrations surface.
FERC on Thursday approved energy storage and reliability improvement rules that help ensure CAISO will be able to meet needs.
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