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Minesweeper, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC approves Pacific Gas and Electric’s transaction to spin off its non-nuclear generation — more than 5,000 MW — to new subsidiary Pacific Generation.
Washington is aiming to auction off enough cap-and-trade credits to cover more than 11 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
The bill to accelerate development of new transmission lines passed the state Senate on a vote of 36-0 and is now headed for the lower house.
Kansas regulators have granted a siting permit for NextEra Energy Transmission's Wolf Creek-Blackberry project, clearing the way for construction to begin.
A debt ceiling compromise reached by President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy would cut NEPA review times but would not roll back IRA climate provisions.
ERCOT staff report designating 19 firm fuel supply service resources after the Legislature passed safeguard bill.
Texas regulators rejected SWEPCO's application to build renewable generation resources at the site of a coal plant that ceased operations in March.
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
The United States Energy Association saw a change of leadership and heard from speakers on the transition to clean energy at its annual meeting.
New Jersey’s massive $1 billion play to jump start a new energy industry based on harnessing wind power is proceeding apace on the banks of the Delaware River.
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