Environmental Regulations

Global Energy Transition Needs Speed, Worker Safeguards
Speed and fairness must be watchwords of the global energy transition, said experts gathered in advance of the UN Climate Change Conference.
GAO Urges FERC, DOE to Act on Climate Change
GAO urged FERC and the DOE to develop strategies for responding to increasing stresses on the electric grid from climate change.
Congress Looks to Former EPA Admins for Guidance
The House heard testimony from former EPA Administrators Christine Todd Whitman and Carol Browner shortly before the Senate confirmed Michael Regan.
Conn. Officials Push Back on ‘Gas Tax’ Label of TCI-P
Connecticut officials and gasoline trade associations squared off over the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program during a public hearing.
Manchin: Environmental Push in Congress Potentially ‘Divisive’
With Democrats holding slim majorities in both chambers of Congress, Sen. Joe Manchin (D) has outsize influence on energy and environmental legislation.
Virginia Takes $43.6M in its 1st RGGI Auction
Virginia sold $43.6 million in carbon dioxide allowances in its first RGGI auction since joining the cap-and-invest program in January.
UPDATED: Key Vote Looms for Wash. Cap-and-trade Bill
A Washington state cap-and-trade bill designed to cut greenhouse gases and aid low-income residents faces a key vote Feb. 25.
Colo. AQCC Approves Deal on Pneumatic Devices
The Colorado AQCC enacted the nation’s strictest rules around methane emissions from the pneumatic controllers used in oil and gas production facilities.
Drop in GHG Emissions Illusory, Advocates Warn
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 9% in 2020, but experts say a repeat performance is unlikely.
Paris GHG Targets not Ambitious Enough, Study Says
The Paris Agreement target of cutting carbon emissions by 1% annually should be increased to 1.8%, according to a University of Washington study.

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