September 27, 2024


PJM OC Briefs: Aug. 8, 2024
The Operating Committee discussed PJM’s timeline for addressing technological and operational challenges the RTO plans to address over the next four years.
Demand Growth and Extreme Weather: The Grid’s New Normal
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer, ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas and MISO's Todd Hillman joined a USEA webinar to discuss grid reliability amid increases in extreme weather and load growth.
Dominion Energy
Dominion Highlights Demand Growth, OSW Progress
Dominion earned $572 million in the second quarter of 2024 and logged six new peak demand records in July on the back of Virginia’s continued electricity consumption growth.
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Maryland PSC Approves Grid Upgrades for New Data Center
Maryland has been promoting itself as a nearby, attractive alternative to Northern Virginia, and data center developers are starting to take a closer look.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill Easily Clears Committee
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted 15-4 to advance the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 to the floor. 
Electric Sector Added just 55 Miles of New Transmission in 2023

ACEG found the U.S. electricity industry added just 55 miles of new high-voltage transmission to the grid last year, despite estimates the system will need to expand rapidly in the near future.

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Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill Would Give FERC Transmission Siting Authority
Sens. Joe Manchin and John Barrasso introduced long-planned legislation on energy project permitting that would increase FERC’s power to approve new electric transmission.
MISO: Hurricane Beryl Caused Electrical Island in Texas
MISO said damage wrought from Hurricane Beryl triggered an overnight electrical island in a Southeastern Texas load pocket.
NEPOOL Reliability Committee Briefs: July 16, 2024
The NEPOOL Reliability Committee voted to support new data collection standards for distributed energy resources, and ISO-NE outlined potential changes to planning procedures and the affected system operator process.
NYISO Stakeholders Question Draft CEII Protection Requirements
The NYISO Transmission Planning Advisory Subcommittee criticized an ISO proposal to include CEII protection requirements.

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