October 2, 2024


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Fuel Security the Focus at ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Meeting
Fuel security and market design topped the agenda at the quarterly meeting of ISO-NE’s Consumer Liaison Group on Dec. 6.
WECC/Chad Coleman
RC Transition Fraught with Pitfalls, WECC Hears
The reliability coordinator transition in the West topped the discussion at a meeting of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council board.
PJM SHs Seek End to Frequency Response Debate
PJM stakeholder rejected the RTO's proposal to enforce primary frequency response requirements beyond the standards of FERC Order 842.
U.S. Air Force
Military not Waiting for Trump’s Resilience ‘Solution’
The military has been among the leaders in seeking to make its facilities more resilient and adding renewable power, energy storage and microgrids.
U.S. Air National Guard
US Climate Report Spells out Coming Challenges
The Trump administration released the National Climate Assessment which details the impact of climate change, a stark contrast to the president’s rhetoric.
MISO Gas Study Finds Minuscule Pipeline Risks
MISO’s reliability is unlikely to be hampered by gas supply issues, according to a new study.
NETL Repeats Doubts over PJM Bomb Cyclone Performance
The National Energy Technology Laboratory accused PJM of providing misleading analysis of its resource availability during last winter’s “bomb cyclone.”
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Overheard at the 2018 NARUC Annual Meeting
The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ annual meeting attracted regulators, industry representatives and other stakeholders.
FERC Waives VLR Tariff Requirement in MISO South
FERC allowed MISO to designate certain Louisiana resources as commercially significant to voltage and local reliability without collecting a year of data.
CAISO RC Effort Gets FERC Go-ahead
FERC approved a set of Tariff revisions covering California Independent System Operator's new reliability coordinator services.

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