September 28, 2024


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FERC’s Christie Warns of ‘Very Dark Place’
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie brought his message of the need for grid reliability to the Gulf Coast Power Association's MISO-SPP Forum, saying the U.S. is "heading for a very dark place."
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NARUC Looks at How to Manage New Large Loads
The power industry is facing an increasingly delicate balancing act as policies drive some generators to retirement, while major new loads are popping up and making planning more difficult.
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Utility CEOs See Ongoing Role for Gas, Nuclear in Decarbonization
Utility executives told state regulators that natural gas and nuclear power will be part of the electric mix for decades as the industry decarbonizes.
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Manchin, Phillips Discuss Expanding the Grid at NARUC
Both FERC Chairman Willie Phillips and Sen. Joe Manchin want to pass policies this year that speed up the roll out of transmission, they said at the NARUC conference.
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NYPA and NYU Partner to Scale up Transformer Monitoring Study
The New York Power Authority and the New York University Tandon School of Engineering announced a partnership that could help utilities prevent costly and time-consuming large power transformer outages through a novel monitoring technique.
RTOs Jointly Call for Improved Gas-electric Coordination
ISO-NE, MISO, PJM and SPP released a report calling for improvements to the coordination of the electric and natural gas systems.
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MISO Publishes Call to Action to Bypass Danger in Reliability Imperative Report
MISO released a new edition of its Reliability Imperative report, with the latest version containing an urgent call to action for all MISO players.
EEI Briefs Wall Street on Business and Policy Goals for 2024 and Beyond
The Edison Electric Institute’s senior executives briefed Wall Street on the state of the utility industry and some of the policies it supports. 
PPL CEO Talks Energy Transition on Q4 Earnings Call
PPL plans to invest $14.3 billion in capital spending from 2024 to 2027, which would strengthen reliability and resiliency while enabling more clean energy and keeping a lid on costs for customers.
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FERC Finalizes Winter Reliability Standards from 2021’s Uri
FERC finalized new mandatory reliability standards aimed at ensuring utilities do not cut off power to critical natural gas infrastructure during cold weather events.

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