September 28, 2024


House Energy and Commerce Committee
State Regulators Debate Reliability and Transmission at House Hearing
House members and their state regulator witnesses split over how much an expanded transmission grid could enable a reliable transition to a low-carbon future.
Claus Ableiter, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
New York Approves Final Rule on Inverter-based Resources
NYSRC approved a rule establishing minimum interconnection standards for large inverter-based resources in order to address a 120-GW bottleneck in NYISO's interconnection queue.
Ohio House of Representatives
Ohio, Pa. Officials Examine PJM Reliability in Joint Session
Ohio and Pennsylvania lawmakers met in Columbus for a hearing on the future reliability of the PJM grid, quizzing RTO and industry insiders on the role states can have in maintaining resource adequacy.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 24, 2024
ERCOT stakeholders are moving closer to taking action on a tabled rule change that would address the reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
FERC, NRC Examine State of the Nuclear Industry
FERC and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission convened a joint meeting to looking into issues of common interest, including the rollout of advanced reactors and grid reliability.
PJM Requests 2nd Talen Generator Delay Retirement
PJM has requested that Talen Energy continue operating a portion of its H.A. Wagner Generating Station an additional three years beyond its requested 2025 deactivation date.
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PJM OC Briefs: Jan. 11, 2024
PJM reviewed comments it is jointly submitting with other RTOs on several proposed changes to EPA regulations during the Operating Committee meeting.
NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: Jan. 12, 2024
NYISO briefed the committee on an upcoming white paper to propose updates to the ISO’s resource adequacy modeling.
Federalist Society
Federalist Society Examines the Changing Politics of Power Markets

Economic deregulation started out as a Republican policy, but GOP appointees to FERC have been questioning how it has been applied to the electric industry, a trend that was explored Jan. 5 at the 25th Annual Federalist Society Faculty Conference in D.C.

Michels Corporation
DOE Lays out Plans for Designating Transmission Corridors
DOE laid out its plans to release draft National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors this spring, which will then start a process of refinement before they are finalized over several years.

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