September 29, 2024


Principle Power
Newsom Calls for ‘Bolder’ Climate Action in California
The state agency drawing up California’s plan to reach carbon neutrality by 2045 should take “even bolder action” on climate change, Gov. Gavin Newsom said.
California PUC Opens ‘Critical’ Demand Flexibility Proceeding
The California PUC opened a proceeding on demand flexibility as a way to address the state's electric reliability crisis and limit solar curtailment.
NERC, WECC to Examine EV Charging Risks to Grid Reliability
NERC, WECC and the California Mobility Center agreed to form a working group to examine the reliability risks of EV charging loads on the bulk power system.
California Wealth Tax for EVs Heads to Ballot
An initiative that proposes taxing wealthy Californians to provide a dedicated funding source for EV rebates and charging qualified for November's ballot.
Oregon DEQ
Oregon Moving to Adopt California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Rules
Oregon is setting a course to adopt proposed California regulations that would require both states to phase out the sale of gasoline-powered cars by 2035.
California Program Seeks Applicants for Hydrogen Fueling Projects
A "first-of-its-kind" California program to incentivize medium- and heavy-duty ZEV infrastructure is now accepting applications for hydrogen fueling projects.
EKM Metering
California PUC Approves New Resource Adequacy Construct
The California PUC approved changes to the state’s resource adequacy requirements meant to bolster its ability to withstand extreme weather.
Opinion Dynamics
California Study Takes Read on Heat Pump Views
A California study examines what it will take to encourage residents — and builders — to adopt heat pump appliances.
37 States Fight Over California Tailpipe Standards
More than three dozen states have taken sides in a court fight over the EPA's reinstatement of California's strict tailpipe emissions standards.
Renova Energy
CAISO Order 2222 Filing Needs Some Work, FERC Says
FERC accepted CAISO's Order 2222 compliance filing but told it to submit revisions to its participation model for distributed energy resource aggregations.

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