September 29, 2024


California governor's office
California Governor Proposes Spending $10B on EVs
Gov. Gavin Newsom's FY 21-22 budget plan proposes spending $6.1 billion more on zero-emission vehicles and $1 billion on building electrification.
Cal Fire Shasta-Trinity Unit
Judge Refrains from Adding Time to PG&E Probation
Federal prosecutors said they would not ask for an extension of PG&E's probation time based on California criminal charges.
Dixie Fire Finding Inopportune for PG&E
Cal Fire concluded that a tree falling on a PG&E power line started the Dixie Fire, potentially affecting PG&E's bid to exit federal probation Jan. 25.
PG&E Building ‘Remote Grids’ in Fire-prone Areas
PG&E plans to build more standalone “remote grids” in California, allowing the utility to remove distribution lines serving small groups of isolated customers as a way to reduce wildfire danger.
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Winds of Climate Change Policy Sweep Through West in 2021
Western states produced a whirlwind of climate initiatives last year, advancing numerous bills and regulations to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
California Ponders Heavy-duty FCEV Expansion
California’s hydrogen fueling network must expand beyond ports if the state is to meet its zero-emission vehicle goals, speakers said during a workshop.
NextEra Energy Resources
CAISO Proposes Paying Storage Differently
CAISO proposed paying batteries to stay charged during the day in readiness for summer evening peaks to maintain resource adequacy in Western heat waves.
CARB Explores Benefits, Hurdles to Decarbonizing Homes
A CARB workshop brought together experts to discuss what it will take to decarbonize California's residences.
California PUC Proposes New Net Metering Plan
The California PUC issued a highly anticipated and controversial proposal to revamp the way rooftop solar customers are paid for surplus generation.

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