
Western Drought Increases Wildfire Risks
Utility wildfire experts told WECC that another expected year of hot, dry weather will increase the danger of major fires in the West.
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CAISO Launches 20-year Transmission Planning Process
CAISO kicked off an extended 20-year transmission planning process to support the state’s clean energy goals.
CREPC-WIRAB Takes Stock of Western Resource Adequacy
Western states must work more closely to prevent capacity shortfalls and the type of energy crisis that roiled the region 20 years ago.
Challenges Loom for Decarbonizing Concrete
California’s cement industry is committed to reaching carbon neutrality by 2045, but a recent report shows that the process won’t be easy.
Calif. Bills Seek to Decarbonize Concrete
A California lawmaker has proposed a bill that calls for carbon neutrality in the state’s cement and concrete industry by 2045.
Wildfire Liability, Criminal Charges Cloud PG&E Outlook
PG&E faces criminal charges and wildfire liabilities not included in last year’s bankruptcy settlement, company officials said in an earnings call.
Wash. Cap-and-trade, LCFS Tied to Transportation Package
Washington’s climate change bills will not go into effect until the legislature passes a transportation budget. No one is quite sure when that will be.
Study Examines Drivers Who Unplug from EVs
A new study showed that about one in five Californians who bought a plug-in electric vehicle between 2012 and 2018 later discontinued their EV ownership.
Wheeling Debate Tests West, CAISO CEO Says
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.
Shortfall Looms for Calif. EV Rebate Program
The California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project will likely run out of money within the next 30 days, the California Air Resources Board said.

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