
FERC OKs Incentives for CAISO Tx Upgrade
FERC approved incentive rates for a project to upgrade the Citizens-S Line, an 18-mile wooden-pole transmission line in Southern Calif., to steel towers.
Glick, Robb Call for Tx Build in West
FERC Chair Richard Glick and NERC CEO James Robb: The West needs to build transmission lines to connect renewable resources to load.
NREL Apps Accelerate Rooftop Approvals
A surge in applications for residential solar systems is straining local building departments, a situation NREL wants to help fix.
FERC OKs CAISO RMR Agreement for 27.5-MW Plant
FERC approved a settlement between CAISO and the operator of the aging 27.5-MW Channel Islands cogeneration facility over a reliability must-run agreement.
CPUC Applies Stricter Oversight to PG&E
California's PUC used its new enhanced oversight & enforcement powers for the first time against PG&E, citing the utility’s failure to weigh wildfire risks.
CEC Funds Cutting Edge Load Flexibility Project
The CEC has taken a step toward making millions of households part of demand response efforts designed to avoid blackouts.
West Needs to Add Transmission for Renewables, CEOs Say
Western states must work together to build transmission avoid blackouts, Idaho Power CEO Lisa Grow and CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer agreed.
Wildfires Bolster Case for Biomass Energy in California
Some California lawmakers want the woody biomass from forest thinning efforts to be used for electricity generation.
Prosecutors Charge PG&E for 2019 Kincade Fire
The Sonoma County District Attorney’s office filed 33 criminal charges against Pacific Gas and Electric in connection with the Kincade Fire.
CAISO’s 1st System RMR Agreement Set for Hearing
FERC sent CAISO’s first systemwide RMR agreement to settlement proceedings after the ISO raised questions about the contract's fairness.

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