
California Energy Commission Updates Long-Term Forecast
The California Energy Commission updated its 2020-2030 forecast to account for the COVID-19 pandemic and increased electric-vehicle charging.
California Lawmakers Focus on Building Decarbonization
Legislators in Sacramento introduced bills to ban natural gas from new construction, promote hydrogen as a fuel source and increase DR to head off blackouts
Western EIM Questions Performance in Shortfalls
The Western EIM Governing Body discussed CAISO’s summer energy shortfalls, pondering how the EIM could better serve participants during system stress.
Calif. PUC Orders $200M Microgrid Incentive Program
The California PUC ordered utilities to hasten the creation of microgrids, including establishing a $200 million incentive program for high risk communities
CAISO Issues Final Report on August Blackouts
CAISO and state agencies released a final analysis of the August blackouts and steps they are taking to prevent capacity shortfalls this summer and beyond.
Calif. Governor Proposes $1.5 Billion for ZEVs
California Gov. Gavin Newsom proposed investing $1.5 billion in zero-emission vehicles to accelerate their adoption as part of his $227 billion budget plan.
Summer Readiness Sought by CAISO, CPUC
CAISO briefed stakeholders on the schedule and scope of a series of upcoming sessions to address market enhancements for summer 2021 readiness.
CAISO to Focus on Resource Adequacy in 2021
CAISO’s top priority in 2021 will be making sure there is enough generating capacity for summer after last year’s shortfalls.
Hydrogen for FCEVs Gets Big Boost in California
The California Energy Commission allocated up to $116 million to install fueling stations for hydrogen-powered fuel cell electric vehicles.
California Lithium Extraction Plan Advances
A proposal to extract lithium for battery production in California moved forward when the CEC named members of a panel to address the plan.

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