
PG&E Chapter 11 Plan Won’t Do, Governor Tells Judge
California Gov. Gavin Newsom told the bankruptcy court he objects to the plan PG&E submitted, including the proposed $13.5 billion settlement with victims.
Overheard at GTM’s Energy Storage Summit 2019
Storage industry and assorted regulators, financiers, and utility and RTO representatives gathered for the GreenTech Media Energy Storage Summit 2019.
PG&E Reaches $13.5B Deal with Wildfire Victims
PG&E announced it had reached a $13.5 billion settlement with the individual victims of wildfires sparked by its equipment from 2015 to 2018.
Judge Denies PG&E Bid to Avoid Wildfire Liability
The federal judge in charge of PG&E’s bankruptcy rejected the utility’s argument that it isn’t subject to CA’s legal doctrine of inverse condemnation.
CAISO Tx Planners Look at Reliability, Capacity Reqs
CAISO engineers examined options for transmission upgrades to resolve reliability concerns and reduce natural gas' role in meeting capacity requirements.
PG&E Seeks to Escape Inverse Condemnation
PG&E’s attorneys argued in federal bankruptcy court that inverse condemnation applies only to public entities and that the utility is not a public entity.
California Officials Hammer PG&E over Power Shutoffs
California officials hammered PG&E executives during a legislative hearing over the utility’s mishandling of multiple public safety power shutoffs.
CAISO Advances Systemwide Market Power Plan
CAISO is moving ahead with a plan to stem systemwide market power, even though not everyone is convinced the effort is necessary.
Calif. PUC Orders Investigation of Power Shutoffs
The California PUC opened an investigation into the power shutoffs that left millions in the dark several to prevent utility-sparked wildfires.
Fight Escalates over PG&E Settlement with Insurers
Wildfire victims and California Gov. Gavin Newsom challenged PG&E’s proposed $11 billion settlement with insurance companies that are seeking reimbursement.

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