PG&E shut down power to large swaths of its Northern California service territory, citing gusty winds that could cause utility-sparked conflagrations.
The escalating battle between bondholders and shareholders to control PG&E (NYSE:PCG) when it exits bankruptcy played out before Judge Dennis Montali.
A Pacific Northwest National Laboratory study found increased adoption of EVs in California could alleviate or exacerbate the state's duck curve.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed two dozen bills dealing with wildfire prevention and affecting the state’s electricity providers.
FERC again upheld the RTO incentives it previously approved for Southern California Edison and PG&E, rejecting rehearing requests by California regulators.
The California PUC authorized costs for a new safety program as part of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas' general rate case.
The California PUC opened a formal examination into PG&E’s Chapter 11 reorganization plan, as bondholders trying to take over the utility upped the ante.
Lawyers in the Pacific Gas and Electric bankruptcy case argued for hours over competing reorganization plans and how much the utility owes victims.
CAISO’s Board of Governors heard that the ISO could face capacity shortages as soon as next year if steps aren’t taken to address the potential shortfall.
San Diego and neighboring cities plan to form a community choice aggregation (CCA) program that would be California's second largest.
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