California’s big utilities shut down power proactively or warned customers they might need to because of windy conditions that could lead to wildfires.
Pacific Gas and Electric pre-emptively shut down power to thousands of its customers amid high winds to reduce the risk of wildfires.
Talk of an RTO for the Western Interconnection lived during the annual meeting of the Northwest & Intermountain Power Producers Coalition (NIPPC).
California may be able to meet its carbon goal by 2045, but it’s going to be more difficult and more expensive without a Western RTO, advocates contend.
CAISO is seeking to extend measures that deal with the continuing threat to reliability posed by limited operations at the Aliso Canyon.
California SB 901 may not be an adequate solution to the bigger wildfires that appear to be the state’s new normal, some skeptics contend.
Transmission planners voiced their thoughts about an increasingly decentralized grid at Infocast’s 10th Annual Transmission Summit West.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation requiring California to get 100% of its power from renewable and other zero-carbon resources by 2045.
Even after failing three times in three years, supporters of CAISO regionalization say they’ll likely keep at it until they succeed.
SB 901, a controversial bill to help California utilities pay for wildfires cleared the State Legislature and was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown.
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