
SoCalGas Pipeline Losses Spur Curtailment Warnings
The loss of three natural gas pipelines is creating major concerns about Southern California’s gas and electricity supplies.
Besieged CPUC Denies SDGE Wildfire Recovery
Utilities are at the epicenter of public battles between the California PUC and its critics over wildfires, public safety and ethics.
Probe Reveals More CPUC-PG&E Contacts on Pipeline Blast
California ethics officials have obtained new evidence of apparent back-channel communications between PG&E and the state Public Utilities Commission.
PGE Disputes ALJ’s Diablo Canyon Recommendation
PG&E says it will challenge a California ALJ’s recommendation that it be granted only $190 million for the retirement of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant.
California Utilities Short on Local RA Capacity
A CAISO report suggests that California’s utilities are about 2,000 MW short of the capacity needed to comply with 2018 local resource adequacy requirements
California Utilities Exceeding Renewable Requirements
California electricity suppliers have met the state’s 25% renewable generation requirement, in many cases exceeding it substantially, the PUC says.
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Wildfires Color California PUC Utility Decisions
Utilities are dealing with several wildfire-related proceedings at the California Public Utilities Commission, which is exploring taking a larger role.
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Board Decisions Highlight CAISO Market Problems
The CAISO Board of Governors approved two measures intended to prevent the early retirement of unprofitable but needed generation in California.
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CPUC Bolsters Demand Response, Pans Resiliency NOPR
California regulators voted to extend the life of a state demand response pilot project and expressed their unanimous opposition to the DOE NOPR.
California Enviros Debate Priorities for Policy Report
A biennial policy report by California energy planners has some environmentalists calling for even more aggressive priorities — such as phasing out utility-scale renewable projects.

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