The California State Senate passed a bill that would require the state's load-serving entities to obtain all their electricity from renewables by 2045.
CAISO stakeholders voiced skepticism about the effectiveness of a new ISO initiative to prevent early retirement of unprofitable generators.
Witness after witness at the FERC technical conference cited California competitive wholesale markets, often in an unflattering context.
Pacific Gas and Electric isn’t having second thoughts about its strategy of capitalizing on California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Californians who receive electricity from a community choice aggregator could face higher costs under a plan proposed by three investor-owned utilities.
Customers in LA County will have the option to purchase power from a new publicly run supplier that will obtain more of its energy from renewable resources.
California officials are reconsidering retail choice, two decades after a deregulation drive that faltered in the Western Energy Crisis of 2000/01.
A coalition of environmental, renewable energy and business groups called on California officials to reignite CAISO’s effort to expand its operations.
A California bill introduced in the State Assembly would require utilities to meet increased demand with clean peak resources.
Butte County urged FERC to order the California Department of Water Resources to establish its own public safety program to help manage the Oroville Dam.
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