A PJM official urged officials to embrace carbon pricing rather than exit the capacity market in response to FERC expanding the minimum offer price rule.
Transource Energy’s alternative configuration for its Independence Energy Connection project doesn’t pass PJM’s cost-benefit test, LS Power said.
Transource Energy filed a reconfigured version of the Independence Energy Connection project with Maryland regulators as part of a settlement with state officials and landowners.
PJM’s state advocates and regulators want the organization to focus on external candidates as it continues the search for a new CEO.
Landowners united against Transource Energy's Independence Energy Connection said they doubt an alternate plan would be more costly, as PJM says.
The Maryland PSC extended its review of Transource Energy’s Independence Energy Connection to allow parties to provide evidence on alternatives.
Maryland officials have recommended the state’s Public Service Commission reject Transource Energy’s controversial Independence Energy Connection.
PJM’s highly anticipated re-evaluation of its largest-ever congestion-reducing transmission project shows the benefits to the region exceed its costs.
Residents opposed to PJM’s largest-ever congestion-reducing transmission project attended a meeting of the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee.
Landowner groups opposed to Transource's Independence Energy Connection are directing their activism at PJM.
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