
FERC Reinstates Md. Solar Project to PJM Queue
FERC granted the request by Dan's Mountain Solar to reinstate its position in the PJM interconnection queue, which the company lost due to delays.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Illinois, Manitoba, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Carolina, Ohio and other states.
Md. Balks at Proposed Emission Cuts as RGGI States Ponder Future
RGGI reported another lackluster carbon allowance auction last week, bolstering calls by Mass. and others for more aggressive cuts in the compact’s emission caps.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina and Ohio.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico and other states.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on Arizona, California, Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina and Oklahoma.
PJM Board Halts Artificial Island Project, Orders Staff Analysis
The PJM Board of Managers has suspended the controversial Artificial Island transmission project, pending a staff analysis.
Exelon’s Constellation to Buy Con Ed’s Retail Operation
Exelon is buying the Consolidated Edison (Con Ed) retail energy business as it continues its efforts to hedge against falling wholesale power prices.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota and others.
Del. Lawmakers Resolve to Fight Artificial Island Cost Allocation
The Delaware General Assembly has passed a resolution opposing the PJM cost allocation for the Artificial Island project.

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