January 11, 2025


Exelon Tops Maryland Lobbying Spending
Exelon Corp. was tops in lobbying spending with more than $400,000 in Maryland between November 2012 and April 2013, making it the top spender in the state.
PJM States Seek ‘First Mover’ Status
PJM's Atlantic states are ideally located to pursue offshore wind, with shallow coasts similar to Europe, where utility-scale offshore wind is 10+ years old
Billions Needed to Bring Offshore Wind to PJM
Integrating offshore wind into PJM will require billions in new transmission spending. Lines on shore also will have to be upgraded or built.
Delmarva Power Seeks $65 Million in Rate Increases
Delmarva Power & Light Co. filed rate hike requests totaling almost $65 million in Delaware and Maryland, saying its revenues have not kept pace with gro...
MDPSC Upholds PJM Membership Billing
The Maryland Public Service Commission upheld an administrative law judge ruling allowing Williamsport, Md., to pass through to ratepayers PJM’s annual $5,00...
“Black Liquor” Bill Fails in Md.
The Maryland legislature Friday, March 29 rejected a bill that would have removed so-called “black liquor,” a paper mill byproduct, from qualifying as a rene...
Pepco Goes Back to the Well
Unhappy with a $24 million rate increase approved in September, Potomac Electric Power Company asked D.C. regulators March 8 for an additional $52.1 million ...
Maryland OKs Offshore Wind Bill
The House Monday night (March 18) gave final approval to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s bill to subsidize development of offshore wind energy. The legislation will r...
Maryland PSC to Archive Meeting Broadcasts
The Maryland Public Service Commission will begin archiving live-stream broadcasts of its proceedings over the Internet beginning May 1. The archives will be...

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