New Jersey
As the U.S. offshore wind industry prepares to put steel in the water, it is paying increasing attention to how it will deliver its power to load centers.
European companies are beginning an OSW supply chain in N.J. But a thriving industry will require many home-grown companies, speakers told the IPF conference.
The U.S. offshore wind industry is beginning to deliver on port improvements and other infrastructure, while also experiencing growing pains.
New Jersey announced grants of $7.6 million for local government purchases of electric vehicles in an effort to cut transportation emissions.
FERC approved the SAA sought by the New Jersey BPU and PJM that gives them greenlight to build transmission to deliver 7.5 GW of planned offshore wind.
The cost to New Jersey ratepayers of building transmission infrastructure tying the state’s offshore wind projects to the grid could be cut.
New rules proposed to govern what land can be used for solar projects were met with little opposition but a stream of queries and suggested improvements.
The key to minimizing the impact of running transmission lines from N.J.’s offshore wind projects to the onshore grid will be collaboration between developers.
NJ Transit is pursuing its first ever planning process to draft a sustainable agency future as it plans to launch its first electric bus program.
A New Jersey BPU study conducted by the Brattle Group into how much ratepayers will pay for the state’s transition to clean energy faced criticism.
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