September 29, 2024

New York

New York Power Authority Sees ‘Additive’ Role in Decarbonization
The head of the NYPA briefed the Senate's energy committee on how the authority’s duties have evolved and the role of new technologies in decarbonization.
Constellation Energy Group
Megawatt-scale Demonstration Project Yields First Pink Hydrogen
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Plant became the first in the nation to generate its own hydrogen, Constellation and DOE announced.
NY DPS Urges More Funding for EV Make-Ready Program
New York Department of Public Service staff recommended a 58% funding increase for the state’s EV Make-Ready Program for electric vehicle infrastructure.
NY Transco
NY Regulators Get Comments on How to Speed up Tx Construction
NYPSC won praise for its implementation of a law to speed up transmission development, but parties said much work remains in order to meet clean energy goals.
© RTO Insider LLC
ACE NY Lays out Legislative Priorities for Energy Transition
New York must make a significant workforce investment for the state’s clean energy transition: 200,000 new workers are needed, advocates say.
The New York Power Authority
NYPA Leader Says Expansion not Threat to Private Sector
The head of the New York Power Authority said the utility’s proposed renewable energy development role is a necessary part of the state’s drive to clean energy.
NYDPS Gives Go-Ahead to CHPE Construction
New York regulators authorized the Champlain Hudson Power Express to begin construction on the line, which will deliver Canadian hydropower to New York City.
Li-Cycle Corp.
DOE OKs $375M Loan for NY Battery Recovery Plant
DOE approved a $375 million loan to develop North America’s first recycling facility for battery-grade lithium in Rochester, N.Y.
NYISO CEO Delivers ‘State of the Grid’ to Management Committee
CEO Rich Dewey said NYISO is focused on transitioning the state’s grid from high-polluting resources to renewables without compromising reliability.
NY CJWG Poised to Select a 35% DAC Coverage Threshold
The New York Climate Justice Working Group appears ready to designate 35% of New York’s 2020 census tracts as disadvantaged communities.

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