New York
New York residents overwhelmingly opposed rebuilding the 532-MW gas-fired Danskammer peaker plant as a 600-MW combined cycle unit.
The Biden administration will open a new area off Long Island to offshore wind development and set a goal of 30 GW by 2030.
NYISO urged the New York Public Service Commission to “move quickly” in supporting construction of a meshed transmission network to support offshore wind.
NYSERDA held the first in a public outreach webinar series on the progress of a feasibility study for wind power development on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.
New York officials held the first of three public hearings as they prepare the first annual report of statewide GHG emissions required by the CLCPA.
The NYPSC approved South Fork Wind project’s application to lay 7.5 miles of export cable from the federal waters boundary to a substation in East Hampton.
NY Green Bank says solar-only projects may not be the right fit for its services anymore, but it sees a need for solar-plus-storage financing in New York.
National Grid is partnering with energy storage firm Standard Hydrogen to build a hydrogen energy station in New York.
A local opposition group is considering filing a rehearing request or lawsuit following the approval of the 100-MW High Bridge wind farm in Guilford, N.Y.
Blackstone Group’s Champlain Hudson Power Express transmission project has made allies of power producers and environmentalists.
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