New York
Fishermen, environmentalists, labor unions and local residents broadly support the 132-MW South Fork Wind Project off Long Island.
The New York Public Service Commission approved several programs to speed up the state’s transition to renewable energy.
New York OSW developers began constructing the facilities needed to operate their projects after the state completed the nation’s largest wind procurement
New York citizens feel officials should focus their greening efforts on employment, particularly in creating new clean energy jobs.
Some local sustainability leaders in New York are making headway with the legal pathways to decarbonize their buildings and meet emission-reduction targets.
An Energy Law Journal case study creviews state climate policies that are inconsistent with others that support residential customer access to natural gas.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced proposed regulations for large food scrap generators.
The New York PSC approved filings by the state's utilities implementing cost recovery and sharing plans with ratepayers for storage resources.
New York state energy agencies released a study urging faster permitting, planning and approval processes to build transmission to accommodate renewables.
New York announced that it is awarding 2,490 MW in offshore wind contracts to Equinor Wind US, the largest such procurement ever in the U.S.
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