New York
NYISO told stakeholders how pricing carbon would impact the ISO’s Tariff, and how it will handle residual allocations stemming from carbon charges.
NYISO released a Strategic Plan outlining how it will incorporate market and regulatory trends into its planning processes for 2019 to 2023.
The New York Public Service Commission ruled that JFK Airport could have a solar project up to 5 MW compensated under the VDER program.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pledged to erase the state’s carbon footprint by 2040 and nearly quadruple its offshore wind energy goal to 9 GW by 2035.
The working group charged with shepherding carbon pricing into New York’s wholesale electricity market discussed how to handle import/export transactions.
Several power producers joined the Electric Power Supply Association in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to review appellate court rulings upholding the New York and Illinois zero-emission credit programs.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s energy efforts will build on New York's progress, which included a carbon pricing proposal, energy storage programs and offshore wind.
NYISO must revise its rules governing the installation and reading of DR meters for participants in its Installed Capacity market, FERC ruled.
The Integrating Public Policy Task Force met for the last time before handing its final carbon pricing proposal to NYISO’s stakeholder governance process.
Rulings by the Public Service Commission will double New York’s existing 2025 storage goal and require the state’s utilities to reduce building energy use.
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