March 10, 2025

Demand Response

ISO-NE Study Highlights the Importance of OSW, Nuclear, Stored Fuel
ISO-NE presented the final stage of its Operational Impact of Extreme Weather Events study to stakeholders at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee on Nov. 14.
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SPP ‘All Over’ Addressing Resource Adequacy
The Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership (REAL) Team, a cross-section group of regulators, directors and stakeholders, is the answer to SPP's No. 1 strategic priority: resource adequacy.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Order 2222 Compliance Filing

FERC accepted ISO-NE’s third compliance filing for Order 2222, ruling that the RTO’s proposal does not pose prohibitive barriers to market participation for distributed energy resource aggregations.

Potomac Economics
Providers See ‘Mixed Signals’ on Demand Response in NYISO
Demand response providers in NYISO are concerned that proposed market rule changes will harm the economics of special case resources.
Report Offers Snapshot of Utilities amid Energy Transition
Itron's 2023 Resourcefulness Insight Report examines the U.S. energy transition from the perspective of 250 U.S. utility executives and 10 public utility commissioners.
ISO-NE Prices Transmission Upgrades Needed by 2050: up to $26B
Transmission upgrades that are needed to avoid overloads in a fully electrified New England by 2050 could cumulatively cost between $22 billion and $26 billion, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Load Flexibility Could Hold Key to California Grid Constraints
Load flexibility is the fastest and cheapest way to prepare for rising electricity demand, panel participants at a CEC-EPRI conference said.
Annual OMS DER Survey Records 1-GW Rise in MISO Residential Capacity
The Organization of MISO States’ sixth annual survey on amounts of distributed energy resources in MISO tracked a nearly 1 GW rise in residential DERs year over year.
‘Challenging’ Grid Conditions Led to CAISO’s Summer Emergency Alerts

CAISO’s issuance of energy emergency watches and alerts in July came under conditions that mirrored those during California’s September 2022 heatwave.

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Proactive Hosting Capacity Planning is Essential for Evolving Grid
Utilities and customers both benefit when proactive hosting capacity planning is used to get ahead of the rising demand for distributed energy resources, panelists at the RE+ conference in Las Vegas said.

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