March 10, 2025

Demand Response

DOE Report Lays out Commercialization Path for VPPs
The Department of Energy released a report outlining how to bring more virtual power plants online, which can be a money-saving way of helping to balance the grid and maintain resource adequacy.
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PJM MIC Briefs: Sept 6, 2023
Voltus withdrew a demand response resource issue charge, while AEP and Dominion proposed a  capacity obligation issue charge.
Report Touts Value of Demand Response, Flags Challenges Facing It
A Wood Mackenzie and CPower report highlights the importance of demand response and distributed energy resources in ensuring grid reliability.
ERCOT Continues to Rely on Voluntary Conservation
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas thanked Texas consumers for helping the grid operator survive tight operating conditions this summer.
Forrest Pearson
Minnesota PUC Mulls Lifting Ban on Aggregated DR in Wholesale Markets
Minnesota regulators discuss whether it's time to lift a 13-year ban on aggregators of retail customers bidding demand response into wholesale markets.
Big River Steel
FERC OKs $21M Settlement in Arkansas Steel Mill’s DR Scheme in MISO
FERC has approved a $21 million settlement over an Arkansas steel mill’s yearslong failure to reduce load as a registered demand response resource in MISO.
PJM MIC Briefs: Aug. 9, 2023
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed one of several packages to create new rules for generators with co-located load and rejected four proposals revising how generators providing reactive power service are compensated.
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
Green Mountain Power
Green Mountain Power to Expand Mobile Battery Fleet
Green Mountain Power and a Vermont manufacturer received a federal grant to expand the state's mobile battery fleet.
The Brattle Group
Clean Energy Group Urges Utilities to Replace Peakers with VPPs
The Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar laying out the case to replace natural gas peaking plants with VPPs, as they would avoid harmful emissions in densely populated areas.

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