Demand Response
The California PUC opened a proceeding on demand flexibility as a way to address the state's electric reliability crisis and limit solar curtailment.
ERCOT flirted with potential disaster July 11 after saying it was short on capacity, but system demand was reduced enough to keep the lights on.
PG&E and Tesla have asked owners of Powerwall batteries to be part of an aggregated storage program to help California meet its reliability challenges.
AEP Ohio told PJM vegetation was a likely cause of the transmission failures that left more than 240,000 customers without power after storms in June.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved a shortage pricing proposal for multiple active transmission constraints.
Capacity prices dropped by one-third to almost one-half in PJM’s auction for 2023/24, likely depressed by the end of the MOPR and a tougher price cap.
The PJM MIC discussed rules on including environmental credits in energy offers, setting pricing during market suspensions and DR for weather-sensitive load.
The NYISO Business Issues Committee approved revisions to the Ancillary Services Manual and ICAP Manual, and discussed FERC's approval of its BSM rules.
Texas grid leaders met with reporters to once again allay concerns about ERCOT’s management of the state’s electric supply.
ISO-NE is proposing a merger of two of its stakeholder working groups into the Emerging Technologies Working Group.
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