Demand Response

PJM MIC Briefs: March 9, 2022
PJM presented an updated proposal addressing start-up cost offer development to the MIC after being sent back to a subcommittee for more work.
IMM Report: PJM Capacity Auction Results not Competitive
The results of PJM’s 2022/23 Base Residual Auction were not competitive, according to a report released last week by the RTO’s Independent Market Monitor.
PJM MIC Briefs: Feb. 9, 2022
PJM delayed a vote at the Market Implementation Committee meeting on a proposal addressing pseudo-modeled combined cycle minimum run time guidance.
PJM Stakeholders Approve RASTF Issue Charge
The PJM MRC approved an updated issue charge for the Resource Adequacy Senior Task Force after debating its out-of-scope items, including demand response.
Electricities of North Carolina
DC Circuit Upholds FERC on Duke-Muni Battery Dispute
The D.C. Circuit said a PPA between Duke Energy and 32 municipal utility customers allows the munis to use storage to reduce their capacity charges.
Con Ed: 2021 DR Programs Rise in MW Value, Enrollment
Con Ed reported to the New York PSC that its demand response programs increased slightly in megawatt value last year but dramatically in enrollment.
SPP Aspires to Increase its Western Footprint in 2022
SPP's new five-year strategic plan includes increasing its footprint in the Western Interconnection.
Canadian Coast Guard
NYISO ICAP/MIWG Briefs: Dec. 14, 2021
The ICAP/MIWG discussed rising energy prices, Order 2222 compliance, dynamically scheduling reserves and keeping critical infrastructure out of DR programs.
Setra Systems
Stakeholders Approve ISO-NE Order 2222 Compliance Plan
The NEPOOL Markets Committee approved ISO-NE’s proposed compliance filing to implement FERC Order 2222.
California PUC Orders Procuring 3 GW of Capacity
The California Public Utilities Commission approved proposals to head off capacity shortfalls in summer 2022 and 2023, including increasing demand response.

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