Demand Response
MISO said it will probably use its existing affected system study as a model to study interconnecting DER aggregations under FERC Order 2222.
NYISO Updates Demand Side Resource Metering Requirements
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.
MISO execs say long-term transmission and a capacity market redesign are a must in response to rising climate risks and fleet change.
FERC said it would reconsider Order 2222-A, continuing the debate over whether states should be able to prevent DR from participating in RTO/ISO markets.
Day two of FERC’s technical conference emphasized the need for more transmission to facilitate trading and properly compensating demand-side resources.
Nevada lawmakers passed a bill that would require transmission providers in the state to join a regional transmission organization by January 2030.
FERC OK'd CAISO tariff revisions intended to prevent the kind of supply shortages that triggered rolling blackouts in California last summer.
ISO-NE’s winter wholesale market costs totaled $2.33 billion, a 31% increase from the previous winter driven by higher energy costs.
The CEC has taken a step toward making millions of households part of demand response efforts designed to avoid blackouts.
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