Demand Response

Pattern Energy
MISO Ponders Study Process for DER Aggregations
MISO said it will probably use its existing affected system study as a model to study interconnecting DER aggregations under FERC Order 2222. 
BIC OKs Updates to Demand Resource Metering Requirements
NYISO Updates Demand Side Resource Metering Requirements
In Maine’s GridMod Movement, Innovating on Flexibility Gains Traction
A growing interest in grid flexibility looks beyond demand management to accommodate and balance distributed generation and loads.
NextEra Energy
MISO Leadership Says Transmission Expansion, Market Redefinition ‘not Optional’
MISO execs say long-term transmission and a capacity market redesign are a must in response to rising climate risks and fleet change.
FERC Reverses State Opt-out on DR — for Now
FERC said it would reconsider Order 2222-A, continuing the debate over whether states should be able to prevent DR from participating in RTO/ISO markets.
Stakeholders Weigh Climate Adaptations at FERC Tech Conference
Day two of FERC’s technical conference emphasized the need for more transmission to facilitate trading and properly compensating demand-side resources.
Far-reaching Energy Bill Sweeps Through Nevada Legislature
Nevada lawmakers passed a bill that would require transmission providers in the state to join a regional transmission organization by January 2030.
CAISO Summer Measures Get FERC Approval
FERC OK'd CAISO tariff revisions intended to prevent the kind of supply shortages that triggered rolling blackouts in California last summer.
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: May 11, 2021
ISO-NE’s winter wholesale market costs totaled $2.33 billion, a 31% increase from the previous winter driven by higher energy costs.
CEC Funds Cutting Edge Load Flexibility Project
The CEC has taken a step toward making millions of households part of demand response efforts designed to avoid blackouts.

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