Demand Response
Legislators in Sacramento introduced bills to ban natural gas from new construction, promote hydrogen as a fuel source and increase DR to head off blackouts
Pennsylvania is considering spending its proceeds from RGGI on energy efficiency and renewable development, a state official told an Infocast conference.
Decarbonization advocates said they hope energy efficiency is one issue that will attract bipartisan support in a narrowly divided Congress.
New York’s six local distribution companies split over whether to adopt “passive” or “active” approaches to managing electric vehicle charging
The California Public Utilities Commission opened a proceeding to help prevent summer blackouts like those in August and September.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee passed a motion to update FCM parameters for the 2025/26 capacity commitment period and discussed Order 841.
MISO agrees with nearly all the new recommendations its Monitor issued this year, though executing the ideas may take some time.
The CPUC voted unanimously to enact a moratorium on a longstanding program that provides $30 million to $75 million annually to shareholders.
Voltus, a DR aggregator, has asked MISO market participants not to rely on 2020 data for the 2021/22 enrollment of load-modifying resources.
MISO must increase use of demand resources and provide market participants with tools to hedge risks, panelists at a Market Symposium said.
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