Demand Response
Demand response aggregator Voltus filed a complaint with FERC challenging the state opt-out provision in Order 719.
FERC ruled that some NYISO Demand Response programs are subject to mitigation; Commissioner Glick dissented.
FERC approved a CAISO Tariff change to increase demand response participation by businesses offering on-site electric vehicle charging.
ISO-NE will ask FERC to exempt EE resources from capacity performance payments without the NEPOOL Participants Committee's endorsement.
The New York PSC approved an environmental impact statement on the additional renewable resources needed under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
FERC granted NCEMPA's request for a declaratory order allowing it to add battery storage to its system under its full-requirements power purchase agreement with Duke.
ISO-NE will proceed with its proposal to eliminate capacity performance payments for energy efficiency resources.
The NEPOOL Committee approved a change to how ISO-NE accounts for energy efficiency in its gross load forecast reconstitution methodology.
Smart building design can play a central role in California’s drive to decarbonize, according to a panel convened by the Energy Commission.
CAISO presented its final proposal of its effort to make it easier for energy storage and distributed energy resources to participate in markets.
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