Demand Response
California's Energy Commission tried to electrify buildings and improve appliance efficiency by approving electrification and green energy ordinances.
MISO is offering stakeholders a compromise on one of two proposals it will file with FERC, removing a provision that would eliminate capacity credits for slow-response LMRs.
PJM is “confident” it will meet FERC’s deadline for resolving pricing and dispatch misalignment issues in its fast-start pricing proposal.
The Infocast ERCOT Market Summit brought together nearly 300 industry representatives and policymakers to discuss the Texas grid and challenges it faces.
Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Joe Manchin unveiled their long-awaited American Energy Innovation Act, incorporating some 50 bills previously approved.
FERC narrowed the resources exempt from NYISO’s buyer-side market power mitigation rules, ordering the ISO to subject storage and DR to a minimum offer floor.
FERC denied CPower’s two waiver requests to allow its seven summer-only distributed solar demand capacity resources to participate in ISO-NE’s FCA 14.
MISO will seek FERC approval for a proposal to tighten LMR accreditation standards for capacity auctions as stakeholders complain the plan is restrictive.
The New York PSC committed an additional $2 billion to energy efficiency and building-electrification programs and created an index renewable energy credit.
MISO will revisit a Tariff to define how aggregators of retail customers participate as demand resources as aggregators line up for market participation.
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