Demand Response
PJM's response to the delay of a transmission line to maintain reliability near Jamestown, Va., may lead to increased costs to ratepayers.
The PJM Market Monitor gave his 2016 State of the Market Report, calling state subsidies for power plants a "threat" to wholesale electric markets.
FERC granted New York officials’ request to exempt new “special case resources” from buyer-side market power mitigation rules in NYISO.
FERC granted partial rehearing of a 2013 order that rejected a NYISO cost allocation method for some uplift costs under Order 745.
MISO told the Planning Advisory Committee that it will conduct three new separate, but related, studies this year to identify a transmission solution for the RTO’s constrained interface between its North and South regions.
FERC denied a request to broaden a waiver providing relief to real-time emergency generation resources in ISO-NE.
PJM’s Independent Market Monitor urged FERC to address longstanding concerns over demand response providers and others selling “paper capacity.”
Rockland Electric argues that the PJM proposal to allow aggregation of seasonal resources won't help demand response and solar resources.
The debate over metering DER in front of or behind the customer’s load was the focus of the PJM Market Implementation Committee’s most recent special session on the topic Nov. 22.
More than 150 regulators, PJM officials and stakeholders gathered for last week’s annual meeting of the Organization of PJM States Inc. (OPSI) Here’s some of what we heard.
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