Demand Response
A summary of FERC orders related to PJM issued at the commission's open meeting on June 16, 2016.
A panel of attorneys at the Energy Bar Association (EBA) Annual Meeting discussed recent Supreme Court rulings in three state-federal jurisdictional cases.
PJM Capacity prices fell sharply as new generation flooded the market, leaving 18 GW of existing resources without any capacity revenue.
State consumer advocates (members of CAPS) pressed the PJM board to change Capacity Performance rules to allow more participation by seasonal resources.
MISO has adequate capacity to meet summer demand, though there’s a good chance the RTO will dip into its load-modifying resources.
More than 200 people attended the Northeast Energy and Commerce Association’s (NECA's) 23rd Annual New England Energy Conference.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee will consider changes to rules governing day-ahead scheduling reserve eligibility.
A summary of measures approved and issued discussed by the PJM MRC and Members Committee on April 28, 2016.
FERC denied five requests for changes in PJM’s treatment of demand response, rebuffing filings by the Market Monitor, DR providers, industrial customers and PSEG.
MISO stakeholders are asking the RTO to think more broadly about how energy storage technologies can participate in its markets.
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