Demand Response
The PJM Operating Committee discussed cold weather testing, synchrophasor data and frequency response.
On-peak day-ahead electricity prices in the U.S. were down 27 to 35% in 2015 due to cheap natural gas, FERC staff said in its State of the Markets report.
A new CAISO Tariff provision would enable rooftop solar and other small distributed energy resources (DER) to participate in the markets.
The Monitor reported that the PJM energy, capacity, regulation, synchronized reserve and FTR markets were all competitive in the 2015 State of the Market.
ERCOT said it continues to expect to have sufficient resources to meet projected peak-demand during the spring and summer.
Energy storage, demand response and solar have a place alongside wind in the Texas market, speakers at Infocast’s ERCOT Market Summit said last week.
FERC approved changes to NYISO’s scarcity pricing logic to better reflect the real-time value of demand response.
FERC won’t be revisiting the demand response compensation rules under Order 745, commissioners said at the NARUC winter meetings.
The PJM Market Implementation Committee endorsed new market data confidentiality rules and discussed capacity bilateral transactions.
Prices dropped 26% in ISO-NE’s 10th Forward Capacity Auction as new resources more than made up for retiring generation.
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