Demand Response
Capacity Performance resources cleared at $134/MW-day in the transition auction for the 2016/17 delivery year, PJM announced Monday.
PJM's first capacity auction under its new no-excuses policy saw prices rise 37% to $164.77/MW-day in most of the RTO.
PJM energy market prices were down almost 40% in the first half of 2015 compared with 2014, while capacity and transmission service charges rose.
ISO-NE and the NEPOOL Participants Committee want to begin using the RTO’s system-wide sloped demand curve in their Annual Reconfiguration Auctions.
PJM members agreed last week to consider relaxing confidentiality rules, despite reservations from several utilities.
PJM will delay the transition auctions for the new Capacity Performance regime to comply with a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order that the RTO include demand response and energy efficiency.
PJM told FERC it should reject requests to incorporate demand response and energy efficiency in upcoming transition auctions for the RTO’s new Capacity Performance regime.
State regulators, consumer advocates, generators and the Independent Market Monitor asked FERC to modify its June 9 order largely approving PJM’s Capacity Performance plan.
PJM on Thursday delayed a vote on manual changes for the Capacity Performance plan, sidestepping a potential confrontation with anxious stakeholders.
Expanded retail-level demand response programs will take effect as soon as July 1 in targeted areas of upstate New York.
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