Demand Response
An overworked transformer and PJM operators’ efforts to limit prices were the focus last week as PJM continued to discuss the mid-July heat wave.
PJM Members Wednesday heard three proposals for streamlining the time consuming and error prone dr registration process.
Unexpected imports from New York — not the mobilization of demand response — caused the heat wave price crash July 18 after spiking to $465/MWh amid the hottest day of the summer.
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved changes to pjm manuals 1, 12, 19, and 20 on Thursday, August 1, 2013. For details, see our story.
A modified proposal to set earlier deadlines for power plants seeking exemptions from participation in PJM’s capacity market auctions won approval from the MRC and MC on 8/1/13.
The PJM MRC Committee Thursday abandoned a year-long effort to establish a long-term Capacity product.
PJM Members voted Thursday to approve a problem statement to consider modifying the design of the RPM to reduce speculation on the capacity auction.
PJM wants to eliminate incentives for generators and demand response providers that fail to perform when called on for spinning (synchronized) reserve.
Today's PJM Liaison Committee meeting with the Board of Managers is at 4pm EDT in Chicago. It's open only to members and regulators. No public. No press.
Last week, PJM's MRC approved one problem statement and deferred a vote on a second that would impact DR. Meanwhile, the MC approved a tariff change increasing DR providers’ documentation requirements.
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