Demand Response
The Markets and Reliability Committee approved a request from the Capacity Senior Task Force for clarification regarding its issue charge on Peak Load Contri...
WILMINGTON — A proposal to study potential “fatigue” among demand response resources met strong opposition Thursday, March 28, with curtailment service provi...
Demand response providers will face increased scrutiny and be required to provide additional documentation under changes given final approval by the Markets ...
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
Washington, DC (March 14, 2013) - Market Monitor Joseph Bowring released the 2012 State of the Markets report with a call for changes to...
Demand response (DR) providers will face increased scrutiny and be required to provide additional documentation under changes approved by the Market Implemen...
PJM members may consider changing the rules of the PJM capacity market to eliminate arbitrage opportunities between the Base Residual and Incremental auction...
On Feb. 28, the MRC endorsed demand response proposals concerning emergency measurement, information requirements for Curtailment Service Providers (CSP) and...
By Rich Heidorn Jr.
PJM Insider
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Feb. 22, 2013) – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission yesterday enacted new standards for measuring de...
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