Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

Lawmakers Chase Affordability in Energy Transition in Maine
Maine legislators and officials gave a preview of their work this year in implementing the state’s energy policies while keeping costs to consumers low.
Net Metering Successors Need ‘Holistic Approach’
Four trends have emerged from the evolution of net energy metering rate design, an industry expert told state utility commissioners and their staff.
FERC Awaiting RTO Responses on Order 2222
FERC Commissioner Neil Chatterjee told an EBA webinar that the RTO stakeholder processes on Order 2222 compliance will be interesting to watch.
NECA Panel Discusses DERs, Impact of Order 2222
Attendees of a NECA webinar discussed concerns about and the impact of FERC Order 2222, as well as other potential roadblocks to DERs’ extensive deployment.
MISO to Seek Extension on Order 2222 Plan
MISO will ask FERC for more time to plan the complicated process of opening its markets to distributed energy resource aggregators, RTO officials said.
SPP MOPC Briefs: Jan. 11-12, 2021
SPP staff unveiled a proposed mitigation plan to reduce the four-year backlog in the RTO’s generation interconnection queue.
Calif. PUC Orders $200M Microgrid Incentive Program
The California PUC ordered utilities to hasten the creation of microgrids, including establishing a $200 million incentive program for high risk communities
MISO Holds 1st DER Task Force Meeting
Stakeholders asked MISO for simpler interconnection studies during the inaugural meeting of The Distributed Energy Resources Task Force.
UCS Urges Broad Midwest Energy Legislation in 2021
The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is making a pitch to Midwestern states in hopes that they pass sweeping clean energy bills in 2021.
Members Counsel MISO on Order 2222 Prep
MISO members say the grid operator needs both hard work and new faces to comply with FERC’s distributed energy directive, Order 2222.

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