Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

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Michigan Utilities Call for Opt-Out on MISO DER Affected System Studies
A band of Michigan utilities wants the option to decline MISO’s affected system-style studies on distributed energy resources.
NYISO Proposes Changes to Special-case Resource Program
NYISO is proposing to increase the required duration of special-case resources' load curtailment from four hours to six following a survey showing stakeholder support as part of the ISO’s Engaging the Demand Side initiative.
Report Looks at Root Causes of Electric Rate Hikes
A new report says residential electric rates have been rising at a pace less than inflation in most states since 2010 and the clean energy transition is not driving the increase. 
PURPA Case Offers FERC Early Glimpse of Post-Chevron World
FERC is getting an early taste of life without Chevron deference after the Supreme Court remanded a case involving the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act back to an appeals court.
Potomac Economics
NEPOOL Holds Summer PC Meeting amid New England Heat Wave, Climate Protests
NEPOOL held its annual summer Participants Committee meeting in New Hampshire during a multiday stretch of extreme heat and high demand on the New England grid.
Paper Examines How to Properly Value DER Grid Contributions
The use of distributed energy resources can reduce grid costs, delay system upgrades, authors contend.
EPRI: Clean Energy, Efficiency Can Meet AI, Data Center Power Demand
The burgeoning power demand from data centers and artificial intelligence can be met by other means than new natural gas-fired power plants, according to a new report from the Electric Power Research Institute.
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ASE: Energy Transition Must Put Demand-side Efficiency, Flexibility First
A new Berkeley Lab report finds that a combination of aggressive demand and supply side measures could slash greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector 91% below 2005 levels by 2050.
ISO-NE Predicts 10% Increase in Peak Demand by 2033
ISO-NE is predicting that New England’s peak load will increase by about 10%, and electricity consumption by 17%, by 2033, according to its 2024 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission report.
AEU: Electrifying MHD Vehicles Could Lower Grid Costs
Serving new demand from medium- and heavy-duty vehicle electrification will require grid upgrades but could lower utility rates, Advanced Energy United said.

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