Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

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NECA Renewables Conference Highlights Transmission Challenges
Transmission limits remain a major barrier to scaling up wind and solar energy to meet state decarbonization goals, speakers at the NECA’s Renewable Energy Conference said.
PPL CEO Talks Energy Transition on Q4 Earnings Call
PPL plans to invest $14.3 billion in capital spending from 2024 to 2027, which would strengthen reliability and resiliency while enabling more clean energy and keeping a lid on costs for customers.
NYISO Defends 10-kW Minimum for DER Aggregation Participation
NYISO defended its proposal to set a 10-kW minimum requirement for distributed energy resources to participate in an aggregation. 
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 24, 2024
ERCOT stakeholders are moving closer to taking action on a tabled rule change that would address the reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
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CPower Event Charts the Future of Virtual Power Plants
CPower hosted an event outside D.C. that charted the demand response's industry's evolution to a virtual power plant model that can help the industry manage the growing share of DERs coming onto the grid.
Analysis Group
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: Jan. 11, 2024
Analysis Group presented its final report on converting ISO-NE's Forward Capacity Market to a prompt, seasonal construct.
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Stakeholders Ask MISO to Share New Order 2222 Go-live Date ASAP
MISO stakeholders pushed the RTO to publish sooner rather than later a new deadline for accepting aggregators of distributed resources into its markets.
New York Governor's Office
NY Gov. Proposes Streamlined Transmission Review, Permitting

New York’s governor is proposing to streamline the transmission permitting process, which she calls a chokepoint that is slowing progress of the state’s clean energy transition.

New York Scrambles to Maintain Momentum in Energy Transition

The groups charged with leading New York’s energy transition enter 2024 trying to build on momentum from in 2023 while recovering from its disappointments.

NYISO Stakeholders Balk at Proposed Day-Ahead Market for Demand Resources
NYISO stakeholders continued their criticism of the ISO’s effort to improve its demand response programs, saying it has inadequately addressed their concerns.

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