Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

Duke Energy
Duke Files Settlement with Munis at FERC on Battery Dispute
Duke Energy Progress and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency filed a settlement with FERC regarding the latter using batteries to shave its peak demand.
Broad Reach Power
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Aug. 22, 2023
ERCOT stakeholders endorsed the charter and leadership for a task force that will report to the Technical Advisory Committee and provide recommendations on real-time co-optimization and energy storage resources’ state of charge.
NYISO: Software Upgrades for DER Participation to be Ready Next Month
NYISO responded to FERC's questions concerning its filing related to establishing DER aggregation in the ISO's markets.
The Brattle Group
Clean Energy Group Urges Utilities to Replace Peakers with VPPs
The Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar laying out the case to replace natural gas peaking plants with VPPs, as they would avoid harmful emissions in densely populated areas.
Talen Energy
Exelon Focuses on Energy Transition, Growth in Q2 Earnings Call
Exelon utilities will work on transmission upgrades as the Brandon Shores coal-fired power plant prepares for deactivation.
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NYISO Operating Committee Briefs: July 22, 2023
The NYISO Operating Committee reviewed June's operations and approved manuals to support distributed energy resources market implementation.
Great River Energy
MISO Creating Means to Gauge Impacts of DER Interconnections
MISO says it will add a study to its planning process early next year to identify transmission reliability issues caused by distributed energy resources.  
FERC Seeks More Info on NYISO DER Aggregation Proposal
FERC asked NYISO to provide additional detail on its proposed tariff revisions for integrating DER aggregations into its markets, including a rationale for its 10-kW minimum.
FERC Briefs: Orders Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing
A summary of FERC orders explaining why it denied rehearing request, which are automatically deemed denied unless the commission acts within 30 days.
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PJM MIC Briefs: July 12, 2023
PJM's Market Implementation Committee discussed potential changes to reactive power compensation and the progress of developing new market clearing engine software.

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