September 30, 2024

Energy Storage

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Study: Solar+Storage Can Be Effective Home Backup
Residential solar-plus-storage systems can in some cases meet nearly all of a home’s critical load during extended power outages, according to a new study.
New Jersey Offers Plan to Boost Lagging Storage Capacity
The N.J. BPU outlined a proposal to stimulate the development of standalone storage capacity by offering incentives for grid-scale and consumer-level projects.
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USEA Panel Explores How to Cut CO2 as Electricity Demand Increases
The impact of growing power demand is a key problem in the drive to decarbonize U.S. electricity, said Robert Rowe, president of NorthWestern Energy.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
PG&E Moves to Spin off Generation, Sell Minority Stake
PG&E asked the CPUC to approve a plan that would allow it to sell a stake in a new generation subsidiary, with proceeds to be used to fund capital investment.
National Clean Energy Week
GOP Prescribes Natural Gas, Nuclear, Deregulation for Clean Energy Transition
Conservatives' plan to reach net zero includes contributions from gas, nuclear and hydrogen, speakers said at the National Clean Energy Week Policy Symposium.
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MISO: Record 1,000 Interconnection Requests in 2022
MISO reported it received a record-shattering 171 GW worth of proposed generation projects across 956 interconnection requests for 2022.
Wood Mackenzi
Strong Growth, Challenges Reported in Grid-scale Energy Storage
Grid-scale energy storage totaling 1.17 GW was installed across the U.S. in Q2 2022, a 212% increase from the same quarter of 2021, an industry report shows.
Admin Monitor
Texas PUC Briefs: Sept. 15, 2022
Texas regulators are working with the industry to streamline the interconnection processes for all resources at both the transmission and distribution levels.
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FERC Comes to Vermont and Leaves with a New England-sized Headache
Experts, analysts and lobbyists convened with FERC in Vermont to talk about the issues facing New England’s electric grid in the winter.
Constellation Energy
NY Funds Long-duration Energy Storage Projects
New York announced $16.6 million in funding for long-duration energy storage projects, with most going to a hydrogen project at Nine Mile Point nuclear plant.

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