September 29, 2024

Energy Storage

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Searching for Paradigm Shifts in Distribution Planning and Financing
As utilities and regulators face unprecedented growth in power demand, figuring out how to plan and finance distribution systems has become a fast-moving target, according to speakers at the GridWise Alliance gridCONNEXT conference.
Rhodium Group
Industry Considers Building its Own Generation to Decarbonize
Industrial decarbonization is lagging the effort in the power sector and transportation, and many companies are considering directly linking big industrial demand with clean energy.
Admin Monitor
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: Nov. 30, 2023
Texas regulators have delayed approval of a protocol change that would set a controversial state of charge for batteries that one commissioner said is “totally discriminatory.”
NYISO’s 10-Year Forecast: Challenges Ahead, but No Immediate Needs
NYISO’s new 10-year reliability plan finds no “actionable reliability needs,” but warns of narrowing reliability margins.
Dominion Energy
Report Questions Dominion IRP’s Call for New Natural Gas Plants
A report funded by Chesapeake Climate Action Network questioned Dominion's plans for new natural gas in its pending IRP.
MISO Decides Battery Storage Can Use As-available Tx Service
Battery storage that charges from the grid should be able to use non-firm transmission service, MISO has decided.
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DOE Proposes Expanding NEPA Exclusions for Clean Energy, Transmission
DOE proposed expanding exclusions for NEPA reviews for clean energy, storage, and transmission projects that are built on previously developed land, in a move welcomed by the renewable energy industry.
ISO-NE Study Highlights the Importance of OSW, Nuclear, Stored Fuel
ISO-NE presented the final stage of its Operational Impact of Extreme Weather Events study to stakeholders at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee on Nov. 14.
Arizona Public Service
APS IRP Envisions Increased Renewables, Natural Gas

Arizona Public Service has filed a 15-year resource plan that lays out a strategy for meeting increasing demand and replacing capacity lost from its coal plant exit.

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Form Energy Wants to Bring Long-duration Storage to New England
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.

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