September 28, 2024

Battery Electric Storage

Kyle Cheeseman/Three Mile Bay Fire Company
Engineering Firm Finds Quality Problems in BESS Manufacturing
Quality control problems affect a sizable number of new energy storage systems, creating potential safety and performance risks, a new report indicates.
LDES Council
Long-duration Storage Key to Calif. Energy Goals, Report Says
A recent study found that deploying 37 GW of long-duration energy storage could help bring California to zero emissions by 2045.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 24, 2024
ERCOT stakeholders are moving closer to taking action on a tabled rule change that would address the reliability concerns with inverter-based resources.
Clean Energy Advocates Call on States to Step up Support for Storage
While the deployment of utility-scale battery storage has accelerated in recent years, additional regulatory and policy support is needed to scale up the industry, a panel of experts convened by CESA said.
ERCOT Faces State’s Insatiable Demand for Energy
ERCOT is focused on dispatchable resources to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy in Texas.
Admin Monitor
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: Nov. 30, 2023
Texas regulators have delayed approval of a protocol change that would set a controversial state of charge for batteries that one commissioner said is “totally discriminatory.”
MISO Decides Battery Storage Can Use As-available Tx Service
Battery storage that charges from the grid should be able to use non-firm transmission service, MISO has decided.
Arizona Public Service
APS IRP Envisions Increased Renewables, Natural Gas

Arizona Public Service has filed a 15-year resource plan that lays out a strategy for meeting increasing demand and replacing capacity lost from its coal plant exit.

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Form Energy Wants to Bring Long-duration Storage to New England
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.
FERC Accepts ISO-NE Filing to Allow Storage as a Tx-Only Asset
ISO-NE can consider transmission-only battery storage as an option to address transmission system issues, FERC ruled.

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