Battery Electric Storage
Several renewable energy developers oppose ERCOT stakeholders’ approval of a controversial rule change that would impose voltage ride-through requirements on IBRs.
The use of distributed energy resources can reduce grid costs, delay system upgrades, authors contend.
Extreme heat in the Desert Southwest and low hydro in the Northwest could pose reliability problems for the Western Interconnection this summer, although the region doesn’t face an alarming risk for grid emergencies, WECC officials said.
A developer has committed to replacing a fossil-fired peaker plant with a lithium-ion battery system that will, for a while, be New York City's largest.
CAISO’s Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body unanimously voted to approve an expedited proposal to increase the ISO’s soft offer cap from $1,000/MWh to $2,000.
Carbon-free electricity proponents envision a massive portfolio of wind and solar generation supported by some type of storage. In theory this can work, but the reality is that long-term battery storage isn't practical.
CAISO is proposing to raise the soft offer cap in its market from $1,000/MWh to $2,000 to accommodate the bidding needs of battery storage and hydro resources in time for operations this summer.
The promise of doing well for both the environment and the economy and the obstacles to doing so were highlighted as the 2024 edition of New York’s energy storage industry conference opened.
NERC’s 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment found that every region has met its reserve margin targets but that many areas would face difficult operations in lengthy, widespread heat waves.
The Public Interest and Environmental Organization User Group discussed generation deactivations, filing rights over regional planning and long-term transmission projects with the PJM Board of Managers.
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