Battery Electric Storage
ERCOT is focused on dispatchable resources to meet the ever-increasing demand for energy in Texas.
Texas regulators have delayed approval of a protocol change that would set a controversial state of charge for batteries that one commissioner said is “totally discriminatory.”
Battery storage that charges from the grid should be able to use non-firm transmission service, MISO has decided.
Arizona Public Service has filed a 15-year resource plan that lays out a strategy for meeting increasing demand and replacing capacity lost from its coal plant exit.
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.
ISO-NE can consider transmission-only battery storage as an option to address transmission system issues, FERC ruled.
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
MISO agrees that it should relax onerous transmission service requirements for energy storage resources charging from the grid.
Dominion Energy asked Virginia’s State Corporation Commission to approve a long-duration energy storage pilot project testing two varieties of non-lithium-ion batteries.
Pennsylvania regulators approved a policy statement that proposes guidelines for when utilities can use storage resources to increase reliability and resilience on the distribution system.
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