Battery Electric Storage

NextEra Energy Resources
MISO Agrees to Dial Back Tx Service Requirements for Energy Storage
MISO agrees that it should relax onerous transmission service requirements for energy storage resources charging from the grid.
Eos Energy Enterprises
Dominion Energy Seeks Approval for Long-duration Storage Pilot
Dominion Energy asked Virginia’s State Corporation Commission to approve a long-duration energy storage pilot project testing two varieties of non-lithium-ion batteries.
Pa. PUC Proposes Guidelines for Distribution-level Storage
Pennsylvania regulators approved a policy statement that proposes guidelines for when utilities can use storage resources to increase reliability and resilience on the distribution system.
Duke Energy
Duke Files Settlement with Munis at FERC on Battery Dispute
Duke Energy Progress and North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency filed a settlement with FERC regarding the latter using batteries to shave its peak demand.
Green Mountain Power
Green Mountain Power to Expand Mobile Battery Fleet
Green Mountain Power and a Vermont manufacturer received a federal grant to expand the state's mobile battery fleet.
The Brattle Group
Clean Energy Group Urges Utilities to Replace Peakers with VPPs
The Clean Energy Group hosted a webinar laying out the case to replace natural gas peaking plants with VPPs, as they would avoid harmful emissions in densely populated areas.
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FERC OKs CAISO Interconnection Study Deadline Changes
FERC accepted CAISO's proposed tariff revisions following record-breaking numbers of interconnection requests in 2021 and 2023.
Ramping Shortfall Sparks CAISO’s 1st Summer Emergency
CAISO issued its first energy emergency alert of the summer after falling short on ramping capacity as solar output rolled off its system.  
NextEra Energy
Stakeholders Puzzled by MISO Transmission Service Requirements for Battery Storage
MISO stakeholders are trying to figure out what transmission service requirements the grid operator has in place for battery storage that charges from the grid.
Berkeley Lab
Do Batteries or Transmission Produce Greater Benefits?
A new Berkeley Lab report weighs the benefits of storage versus transmission for wind and solar projects.

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