
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
EPA Power Plant Proposal Gets Mixed Reception in Comments
EPA received comments on its proposal to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, with some, including ISO/RTOs, arguing the proposal needed major improvements to preserve reliability.
TVA’s Cumberland Coal-to-gas Plans Press on over Resistance
The Tennessee Valley Authority’s plan to swap a retiring coal plant with a new natural gas facility is making progress despite opposition from environmental groups.
Environmentalists Call on Utility CEOs to Split with EEI on EPA Rule
A coalition of environmental groups wrote a letter to every EEI member CEO asking them to support EPA’s proposed emissions standards for power plants.
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PJM Promises to Work with Ohio Legislators on Cost Allocation
PJM responded to Ohio legislators' concerns about the cost impact of Illinois' climate policy, saying it could not split Ohio out of related transmission planning and pledging to work with lawmakers going forward.
Rhodium Group
IRA Gets US Emissions Close to Pledged Levels, Report Finds
The IRA is pushing carbon cuts like no other enacted policy in the U.S.,  but more needs to be done to meet the international pledges from the Paris Agreement, Rhodium Group said in a report.
DTE, Activists Announce Agreement to Exit Coal by 2032
DTE Energy reached an agreement with Michigan officials and environmental groups to add more renewable power and phase out coal use by 2032.
Natural Gas Power Generation Expected to Set Record
With fuel prices much lower than in 2022, record amounts of electricity are expected to be generated by burning natural gas in July and August 2023.
NERC Finds Grid Generally Reliable and Resilient
NERC found that the bulk power system was generally reliable and resilient in 2022, but forced outages among coal and natural gas plants hit their highest level in the decade.
Blackstone Infrastructure to Scoop up Minority Stake in NIPSCO
Blackstone will pick up a nearly 20% stake in Northern Indiana Public Service Co. for a little more than $2 billion, parent NiSource announced Tuesday.
Library of Congress
W.Va. Coal-fired Plant May Experiment with Hydrogen to Avoid Demo
The continued operation of the 1,300-MW Pleasant Power Station may depend upon whether the boilers can be modified to burn a portion of hydrogen.

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