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Infrastructure and Coordination Hot Topics at NECBC Conference

Serge Abergel of Hydro-Québec touted the potential benefits of using hydropower to balance out wind power and reduce curtailment instead of simply using hydropower as base load.

Idaho Power
FERC OKs Tx Swap Between Idaho Power, PacifiCorp

FERC approved a transmission asset swap between Idaho Power and PacificCorp as part of the companies’ plans to develop a 300-mile-long, 500-kV line.

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9th Circuit Sides with BPA over Conservation Groups on Fish Spat
The Ninth Circuit rejected a challenge to the Bonneville Power Administration's decision to lower rates from conservation groups, who argued more funding should have been directed to fish and wildlife protection.
State of Massachusetts
ISO-NE Must Include Pumped Hydro in Inventoried Energy Program, FERC Rules

FERC sided with Brookfield Renewable in the company’s complaint against the RTO. The IEP is intended to compensate resources for storing extra fuel.

New York Governor's Office
Champlain Hudson Converter Station Breaks Ground in NYC
Two key pieces of New York City’s clean energy future are taking shape along the East River waterfront. 
Idaho Power Seeks FERC Help with $700K WEIM Fine
Idaho Power asked FERC to overturn a $700,000 fine for what it called a minor metering mistake that had no real impact on the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
New York Seeks to Define Zero Emissions
New York is looking at a broader array of solutions as fossil plants retire and not enough renewables come online.
New York Governors Office
NY Moves to Boost Hydrogen Production and Development
New York announced two efforts to help boost hydrogen as a means of reaching its emission-reduction goals, including energy investments from NYPA and NYSERDA.
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Western States Agree on Plan to Sustain Colorado River Flows
Governors of California, Arizona and Nevada have agreed to a three-year water conservation plan aimed at protecting the drought-stricken Colorado River system.
Hydro, New Resources Boost CAISO’s Summer Outlook
CAISO says that 8,100 MW of new resources and California's record snowpack, which is expected to increase hydro generation by 72%, improve its summer forecast.

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